I Weave a Nest of Foil
By Arlene Naganawa
The poems in I Weave a Nest of Foil unfold like a beautifully awry fairy tale populated by ghosts, untranslated histories, palimpsests, warnings, and manifold wonders which even all the darkness they portray cannot erase. A classroom preparing for mass shootings – the latticed, shiny scars of the human body – the community effects of the pandemic – our recent history is woven into this glittering work and made strangely nurturing there.
“The poems in this astonishing collection are utterly tender and completely peculiar. Lullabies sung by apparitions, they stroke and prickle at once with lush, precise langauge. In Naganawa’s work another world – uneasy, strange and beautiful – is superimposed on this one, and it is in the thin places that we encounter spirits and angels. But that world is no more surreal than ours: the neighborhood park during pandemic quarantine, aclassroom of children in a time of everyday mass shootings. The work is often ekphrastic and art-inspired, but equally informed by the human body, its tissues and fluids, its latticed, shiny scars. These poems are gorgeous and intriguing, each a lemon drop on the tongue: round, sharp, the color of sunshine, dissolving in spit and a lingering tingle of sweet and acid.”
— Sati Mookherjee, author of Eye and Ways of Being
Price $22
ISBN ISBN 979-8-218-32090-4
(April 2024)
Also Recently Published:

She may be lying down but she may be very happy
By Jody Gelb
Everything was going right in the delivery room until, suddenly, it wasn’t. The baby’s brain was damaged; the new mother, unprepared for the life she and her family would now be living.
In dense, lyrical prose, Jody Gelb pays tribute to her daughter’s short life. She May Be lying Down but She May Be Very Happy is a marvel of compression and potency. Gelb lays her experience bare in the full range of its emotional complexity, from profound suffering to ecstatic joy. It is a mother-daughter memoir scrubbed of sentiment. She May Be lying Down but She May Be Very Happy isn’t so much a book as the naked truth of being human in this imperfect world.
“This astonishing memoir lives in the sacred space where life and death meet.”
— Martin Moran
“There is a space between private and public where we humans waver. . . . Gelb explores that liminal space by and through both her body as a mother, lover, performer, and the roles she has inhabited in her life. With raw emotional intensity threaded through with poetic gentleness, these micromovements travel the terrain of how we find home not by running from grief, loss, difficulty, but through them, writing our small prayers to tuck into broken places. A tender triumph.”
— Lidia Yuknavitch
Price $20
ISBN 979-8218231323
(November 2023)

The Saplings Think of Us as Young
By Kimberly Kralowec
In her visionary debut collection, Kralowec explores the intimacy of living in close relationship with extremes of beauty and distress—in both the human and non-human creatures around us.
“Kimberly Kralowec’s poems haunt in the best of ways, moving through the loved and marked spaces of our lives. The voice is rhapsodic, songlike, but never lulling: at any moment, the torsions of her syntax may pull you into their undertow.”
— Jay Deshpande, author of Love the Stranger
“The poems draw us beyond words and into images, that murky place where art is primed for the elements of unknowing and mystery. This searching collection rings out far beyond the margins of the human. A fabulous book.”
— Michael McGriff, author of Eternal Sentences
ISBN 978-0-9827838-9-4
(May 2023)

Ask for Horses: Memoir of a Dream-Guided Life
By Tina Tau
“. . . Ask for something so alive, so surprising, that it will crack your life wide open.”
An adventure story in two realms, a conversation between the visible and invisible worlds: in this eloquent memoir, Tina Tau reveals the life-saving intelligence of her dreams. As a young woman she tries to outrun her pain by moving every year, often thousands of miles at a time. But by paying attention to her dreams, she is finally able to slow down, heal, and begin to shine. Her story is a guide to the daily practice of saying yes to your own life’s innate wisdom.
(30 August 2022)